Canadian National Exhibition starts Friday - CNE

The Canadian National Exhibition starts Friday featuring waterfalls and breathtaking walks, fries and dessert.

Fares crazy enough as fried Coca-Cola, or "Burger Cronut" lift that allows the driver a view of Lake Ontario and is part of flying Wallendas, the CNE offers this year. A marked the official end of summer, CNE Open 10:00 It runs until September 2New on the menu this year is "Cronut Burger" - All Beef Patty sandwiched between the growing hybrid and infamous donut with maple cheddar cheese and homemade jams, bacon - that is. To provide a little taste of just wow.

If this question is not for you, the food will host some of the top leaders of North America, including Michael Smith, David Rocco and Anna Olson are cooking snacks for those who palaces more mature. For some people, CNE is in the middle with a lot of adrenaline and riding. rollercoaster. For all ages to enjoy. 

This year, fans can just fly on a zip line through the middle.

Tyrolean Tour costs $ 20 on the opening day Friday and $ 30 thereafter. Or you can leave the Wallendas flying high with the CNE for the first time since 1966.

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